Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Waiting For Me

I am waiting for you
She said with a soft touch
I’ll be here after you go through
Things that will rough you up
Now that you’re leaving
And you’re going away
Leaving without rhyme or reason
Without a trace
She whispered gently
Like a light breeze on a hot day
That she would wait for me
To become a man one day
Well that day is almost here
I think it is around the corner
I need not fear
For she is just over the border
Between my sanity
And my various travels
Buried in luxurious vanity
I have abandoned ship to no avail
What is meant to be
Will always happen anyway
I need to learn to breathe
As I see the approaching day
A day of déjà vu
That day where I left it all
Wishing I could go back and re-do
Everything and grow some resolve
To finish what I started
To see it all through
Instead of being retarded
I wish I could start anew
She is waiting for me
And I need not stay away
God has prepared her for me
And I need her today
She wants a man
And that is what I’ve become
I now I understand
Just how far I have come

Friday, June 7, 2013

Prayer for a Spouse

Lord, hear my prayer
Hear the words that I say
Whether I am here or not all there
Bless me Lord I pray
I pray for a woman
A woman who loves You
I pray for a woman
Who will stand for the truth
I prayer for a Godly woman for starters
A woman that You hold dear
I pray for a loving partner
That will tell me her deepest fears
Her darkest secrets and desires
Her simplest little sins
What ignites her fires
And what makes her tick
Give me a woman that
Will support me in everything
That will make up for where I lack
And that won’t just be swayed with anything
Grant me a woman of faith
One that will call me out
That will be worth the wait
That will be doctrinally sound
Send me a person who is gentle
Because we all know I am not
I do not want a rental
I am casting all my lots
I want a woman who is not afraid
A woman I can listen to
One that has something to say
One that truly worships you
One that an stand up
When I am doing something wrong
One that is not a slut
One that prefers our sins to be gone
A woman who is pure
Because I am not such
One who is spiritually mature
And is not in a rush
Because I am ways moving fast
I need someone slower paced
I need someone who can last
Who will not just leave me green-faced
I need someone from Proverbs thirty-one
A woman who can raise my children
A woman who rises before the sun
And shines in my eyes and glistens
One who can cook and clean
And who I can help to do so
A woman who is not mean
A woman that can help me to grow
A woman with a high standard
That will not tolerate idiocies
Not an emotional vandal
But a woman with many intricacies
I need someone that I can love
Some I can trust
Peaceful as a dove
This is a must
I need a woman who will submit to me
Who will respect my opinion
But does not follow society
Or submit to all men
I want to love her to the point
Where she can respect my ideas
And bear the fruit of my loins
That I can passionately kiss
I want to hear her problems
The struggles of her daily life
I want to help her solve them
And I want to walk with her through strife
I want her to be honest with me
I want her to have integrity
I know I am not perfect

But God I ask for  a great a woman to marry!