Monday, May 25, 2015

Compliments of the Devil

Two horns that sharply come to a point
Attractive with such beauty and grace
Your stature shows such excellent poise
Your dark red lips deceive careful men with just a taste
Your voice brings out the intellect that destroys him
You are first among sirens, your voice leads to certain death
For your songs cut much deeper drawing sin
While leaving your poor victims on this earth short of their breath
Your hair, short, neat and definably kept
The red and blonde mix that keeps them distracted
A pleasure to look at while you slowly convince them to die
How did you rise unscathed when your angel wings impacted?
For you landed unharmed from the heavens above
When the God and the Creator booted you from heaven
Your very being, the core of you causes much pain to speak of
Yet men find your unscrupulous and evil nature so sweet and pleasant

Friday, May 22, 2015

Maybe We Made a Mistake

Baby, maybe we made a mistake
Perhaps a strategic error
As we both continue to lie awake
With nagging thoughts to the barer
Of perhaps a startling revelation
That perhaps all is not well and fine
Or perhaps a more startling revolution
Perhaps we're on to something new this time
Maybe we rushed too fast into it
But even faster out of this
Perhaps we were afraid of possible grit
That we ignored the potential bliss
And we make each other better
It's possible we overlooked words
To merely focus on the letters
Perhaps we're both being absurd
But it is possible we actually screwed up
Maybe we failed ourselves after all
Like the precautions were way too much
Like we were too scared to fall
Or too scared to break
Whatever it was, Baby, maybe we made a mistake
Then again, Maybe not...